
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Writing and Mood Swings...

Gone are the days when I would write everything I felt... good or bad... Happy or sad... I would write to my heart's content. I always believed that writing things would help in healing those bad feelings and pouring our feelings out would give me immense relief. 

However, later I realized that all I am left with is a blog full of sad posts and re-reading them would make me re-live those moments all over again. Then one day I decided not to write about sad things. Though I had a couple of posts lined-up, I did not publish them, because they were not the happy ones! They were the ones that I would want to forget the most in my life... That phase of life is a past now... And I made up my mind not to publish them at all... They will never ever be published!

I started writing about cheerful things in life, about jokes and naughty things and about things that made me happy... Even though my heart would ache and I would be in in the worst of moods, yet, I had managed to write all rosy stuff...

But now I am not able to control my frustration...

While I see so many people leaving for the place I was to go a month ago, I am made to wait... I am not even told how long this wait would be... "You will travel next weekend..." is what I hear every week and that 'next' weekend has not come yet... I am still waiting, while others leave for the same place...

This weekend is very different from any others. This Saturday is my Birthday and I wish to spend it with my hubby... Will I? It is my first birthday after my marriage. Well, I will just wait as I have waited all this while... I have no other option, do I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will spend your birthday with your hubby, dear. All the best.
