
Monday, May 16, 2011

Early Flights!

He is up and ready to catch his flight...
I want to get up and be with him as much as I can...
It will be weeks before I see him...
Yet sleep overpowers everything.. 

Good byes and sweet nothings...
Nothing gets registered...

That's why they book on flights that leave at wee hours of the morning...
Everyone is half-sleep and probably in the middle of some dream..
There are neither teary good-byes nor longing faces...

If one accompanies to the airport, 
They just want to get back home as soon as they can...
Under the warmth of the covers... get lost in the land of dreams...

If not to the airport, 
Then there is a rush to shut the door and get back to sleep...

Sleepy eyes and groggy mind...
No one feels anything...
Everything feels numb...
Sleep is an escape from reality...

By the time I get up, I feel he's left for office as every other day..
And will be back soon...

But as night falls, realization dawns...
There is a long night ahead..
And many more long nights before I see this man...
... who's become my world now!

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